Friday, January 06, 2006

two thousand six post three

paypal finally came correct and gave me back the $400 bucks someone hijacked from my account last week. sounds like found money to me that kim need not know about. :) it really wasn't that painful of a process to get it back other than the dude from there customer service trying to dumb down the technical part of how he thought the money was taken. i guess that's why your doing a job that will be farmed out to india next year bill gates. just get my money back for me and save me and the rest of the world the oxygen if you don't mind. end rant.

awesome Bible study last night over the end of James 4 and the beginning of James 5. read it and give it some thought. it was pretty convicting for me and i know i need that. it talks about the way we are all boasting that we know more than God when we make decisions and do things that don't involve going to Him first.

going to the dubliner for happy hour today. much fun. you should come.

i think i'm getting sick. again. dammit. argh...


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