two thousand six post twenty six

Michigan won again this past Saturday. They beat Minnesota 28-14. Not a really impressive win, but a win none the less. Chad Henne looks like he might finally be putting it all together now. He threw 3 TD passes in the first half and the defense took it from there. Kim and I will be heading up to Ann Arbor this Saturday to hopefully watch the Wolverines hang 50 on the spartans. There's nobody I enjoy watching Michigan kick the crap out of more than michigan state. Period. End of story.
As a side note, it looks like the Patriots dey. Man that was a brutal beat down. Like watching an old lady get mugged, but the mugging lasted 3 and a half hours.
LOST starts up again tonight. Kim's going to need a cigarette at about 10:01 EST tonight. In all fairness, I enjoy the show too. Should be interesting to see how this season progresses...
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