Tuesday, May 30, 2006

two thousand six post seventeen

so i've got to get this off my chest. i'm a murderer/cold blooded killer/taker of life. pick your descriptor. thats right, i ran over a chipmunk yesterday with a golf cart at shaker run. it was a total accident. he/she/it was standing in the middle of the cart path and zigged when i thought it was going to zag, so i clipped him with the rear passenger side tire and abruptly ended his life. here's a picture of him:

i'm pretty sure the odds of that actaully being him in that pic aren't that good, but you get the idea. i really did(and still do a little bit) feel bad. it wasn't my intention to run over him. i thought he would vacate the cart path before i got to him. granted i didn't really slow down or hit the brakes, but i blame mostly him for being too proud to move and trying to stare me down. r.i.p. my furry little friend that i never really got to know. in his honor i have made a $16 donation to peta.

in other fun news, i was able to encounter my first sobriety check point in blue ash on sunday night. kim and i went down to the taste of cincinnati with kim, jason, glen, katie, nate and his girlfriend(whose name i can't for the life of me remember, but she's really cool). i had three beers over the course of the evening that started about 8:00pm and ended at 11:00pm. in my judgement that wasn't even nearly enough to impair me from being able to operate a motor vehicle. i'm very careful about how much i'm going to drink if i know i'm going to drive. i had a friend in grade school whose father was killed by a drunk driver and that had a major impact on my life and still does to this day. so as we pull through the check point the officer comes over and asks me to roll down my window to which i complied. he immediately said he could smell beer/that i was slurring my speech, and asked me to get out of the car. he then shoves be into the side of the car and tries to put the handcuffs on me. i resisted a little as i was in pain from being shoved into the car and he drew his nightstick and hit me in the lower back and legs repeatedly until i fell to the ground and he then arrested me. those last four sentances are a complete fabrication(take a deep breath mom). i actually stopped to get gas and noticed that there was a check point down the road and had kim drive just to be safe. we didn't even get stopped, but i wasn't sure exactly how much it takes to blow over a .08 and wasn't interested in finding out if a beer an hour was. i want to reiterate that i in no way advocate drinking and driving and if kim or i had any question as to my ability to drive home i would have had her drive. the situation just made me take pause to think about it.

this just in, gas prices still suck and now really hot weather sucks too....


Blogger Jenn said...

1.) Poor chipmunk. Chipmunks are much better than squirrels.
2.) I was at Taste with Justin and some friends Sunday evening too. Funny we didn't run into each other.
3.) We have a breathalyzer at all our school dances. Justin has tried it every time he has come to chaperone with me (nice guy), and I don't think he has ever gotten a reading. I bet you would have been fine.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 3:59:00 PM EDT  

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