Monday, December 17, 2007


as i sit here writing this, it's 8 days til christmas. you're welcome for the update, now do what everybody else in this town does and go to kenwood mall and drive around the parking lot. i love many things about christmas(all the family stuff, days off work, christmas eve services and the like), but this year i've been thinking about how materialistic christmas has gotten for me. and don't get me wrong, i'm right there with the rest of the consumer public buying and shopping like crazy. i'm also not advocating christmas without gifts and such, but i've just been pondering how wrapped up we all get in the busyness of the holiday. the shopping, waiting in line, listening to xmas music on all the radio stations in cincinnati, baking like there's no tomorrow, traveling here and there, sitting in traffic EVERYWHERE, and decorating EVERYTHING. none of these are bad things, they just create busyness when all done at the same time. it's almost a blur by the time all of these things get done. is that really the point? just wondering.

and by all means have a merry christmas, hanukkah, festivus, kwanzaa, or other holiday that i've forgotten to mention.

also, you all should be aware that lodwick will be in town wednesday/thursday this week. i'm taking a half day for wednesday afternoon and thursday morning. lock your doors, bar your windows, keep your children home from school. you've been warned....



Blogger Jenn said...

okay, I'm just going to come out and admit it right here on the internets. I hate the Christmas music played on all local Cinci stations. There. Done.

If it were up to me, all Christmas music that would be allowed on the radio would be

a) instrumental
b) sung by Over the Rhine
c) sung by Bing Crosby

Thats it. Nothing else. Call me crazy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007 at 2:00:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jared said...

amen to that...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 7:18:00 AM EST  

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