Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Can't think of any witty banter to title this with...

Pretty normal Tuesday all in all. Bored as all get out at work. May is always a slow month for me workwise, so that kind of sucks. Things will get crazy again as we head into June and then I'll be griping about that.

Had lunch with Paul and Jason, which broke up the monotony of the day. Our conversation is always interesting. Trust me, you would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at the BBQ Revue yesterday. I'd hang out with those two just about anywhere.

Tried to run again last night. Only made it two miles. It's hell getting old, having bad hips and ankles, and trying to run. Damn that high school track coach burning me out on long jump. Ah the glory days. Hopefully if I take it slow and build up some strength, I'll be able to at least run 5K's again without feeling like I ran 50 miles the day after.

Finally, I got to talk to my little brother on the phone yesterday. He's 22 and recently engaged to the girl he's been dating for 5 years. She's awesome and don't get me wrong, I'm happy they're going to get married. The catch is due to grad school situations, they have to live in different cities for the first year they're married and only see each other on the weekends. I can't imagine how hard that's going to be when you're trying to learn how to be married. I tried to convey that to him in a way that was supportive, but also grounded in reality. I think he was receptive and will start to prepare for next July and the year after more carefully. He's a cool cat, no doubt.


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