Monday, April 23, 2007


for those of you that are unaware, i am a huge boston red sox fan. i tell you that, so i can tell you this. they(the sox) beat the dog piss out of the yankees this weekend. swept them 3-0. in the long run it probably really doesn't mean that much. it's only three wins out of a 162 game season, but damn it was fun and rewarding to watch. i'll hand it to the yankees though, they managed to keep the smug looks on their faces even in defeat. the kid they threw out there last night gave up home runs to four straight sox hitters in a row, on 10 pitches no less. now that's dedication to sucking as a pitcher right there. here's to the yanks losing the rest of their games this season. sorry burgdorf, you do know it's never too late to switch over and root for the good guys...



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