Tuesday, March 06, 2007


her water broke...

...and by her i mean my basement and not my wife thank God(i'm still a kid and having a kid as a kid would be messy). yup, it's true with all the melting snow and rain we've had over the past few weeks, the walls had all the moisture they could hold. it finally broke on through and starting soaking the finished and unfinished parts of our basement. i had to tear out the carpet already and bought a dehumidifier to keep down there. the major expense though is going to be the waterproofing we are going to do. the dudes will probably come out next week and take three days to dig up the entire interior perimeter of the basement to install weeping tile, drill out the footers and put in a sump pump. kim and i decided that we wanted to keep the finished room down there, so having all that done wasn't really a choice. it's going to cost us a few bucks, but in the long run i think it's the best thing to do. hopefully....



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