ok, what the heck was that
i'm trying really hard to post stuff on here a little more often. that said, i'm also trying to not turn this into a blog full of rants and complaining. i just can't help myself with this particular mindset i've been in of late. i just heard the new U2 single, put on your boots, that was released the other day. those of you that know me well know that i think U2 is a pretty good band and i'd probably trade most of my worldly possessions to be able to just follow them around while they are and aren't on tour. not in a creepy stalker type way, but a cool hey bono and edge lets see if we can strike a friendship/be drinking buddies by me always being around you kind of way. anyways, this single was underwhelming to say the least. not on par with anything this band has put out in the last 6 years. my hope is that they're putting out the really crappy stuff first and saving the good songs for later. and this was the best song title/subject matter they could come up with? really? i mean don't get me wrong, i'd buy their album if it was nothing but polka music and power ballads, but c'mon lads you raised the bar too high to falter now. bring the good stuff...
Labels: asinine song titles, u2
i was wondering what you'd think of that. it may grow on you - i like it better today than I did monday when i heard it. that's been the case with their last couple of albums for me - esp "Vertigo" or "Elevation." they're in this post-rock/radiohead/post-punk feel that may not be as much them as they think it is.
or, true to form, it may be them 10 years ahead of the rest of hte culture.
it sure as hell ain't no Metallica though.
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