Thursday, June 02, 2005

"I can't carry a pen, I'm afraid it'll puncture my scrotum."

In keeping with the theme titling of blog posts that some friends of mine are using, all my posts will now be titled with Seinfeld quotes. Paul already got Family Guy, so Seinfeld was an easy choice.

Nothing of note really. Kim and I went grocery shopping last night. That's about my least favorite activity ever. It's always crowded and always seems to be filled with strange looking people. At least it's done for about another month.

Told you I had nothing. You just read a paragraph about me hating Kroger and grocery shopping.

Bible study tonight over Acts 16 and 17. Hopefully people will be more talkative than last week. None the less, I'll be more prepared to do most of the talking if people are still in a listening mood. Maybe I'll just start reading the IVP commentary to them until they speak up. Probably not. Oh well, God will show like He always does and make something cool happen.


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