Tuesday, January 17, 2006

two thousand six post five

spent the long weekend in salt lake city at my friend jeff's house with justin, brian, scott and tony. we watched football, played playstation, drank home brew and knob creek, played poker, smoked pipes, banditos and cigars, sampled some micro-brewed beer and jager at rooster's(twice) and i slept while they skied. good times. it was everything you'd expect from a weekend with no females around.

more bible study drama, but this time i started it so it's not as bad. ;o the thing that pisses me off in a group is when other people are goofing around when someone is talking/sharing their ideas and opinions to the group. if somebody opens their mouth to share their thoughts, it's my belief that everyone in the room should give them their undivided attention. i let a few people in the group know that thursday night in a pretty direct way and they certainly weren't happy about it. i understand that they're embarrassed about being called out in front of the group and i apologized for the tone that was used, in front of the whole group, but they evidently weren't satisfied with that and each emailed me to let me know about it. i guess i'm just not sorry that i asked them to be respectful of other people. i haven't decided if i'm going to respond to their emails or not. definitely not for a few days because i'm still irritated with the entire situation and how things happened. another nail in the proverbial coffin i suppose.

on a big, big downer note, the dubliner is CLOSING. i'm pretty sure my heart stopped when i found out yesterday. it's going to re-open in march under new management, but for me it'll never be the same. i think we're going to head over there this wed. night(the last night it's open), to have a few beers in it's memory. bad times.


Blogger Justin said...

I don't recommend responding to the emails. Sometimes people just have to vent and responding may just force more negative feelings, if anything, talk in person. It's much more sincere.

Sometimes I wonder if there aren't times when neither party is right or wrong. I sorta see why they are ticked, and I see why you are ticked also. Does there always have to be someone that is supposed to apologize?

Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 9:07:00 PM EST  

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