Friday, June 10, 2005

"But at ten they start the aquasonics. Thirty-five geriatrics throwing elbows. It was like I was swimming through a flabby armed spanking machine."

Forgot to post yesterday. Ended my weekday streak daggumit. Oh well, streaks are made to be broken. Had dinner with Brad and Jen on Wednesday night. It was really fun. Always good to hang out in a laid back environment. We found out that Jen might have chronic mono. That sucks, it's basically mono that never goes away and they can't really do anything for it. You just have to learn how to live with it. Pray for her.

Had a really good Bible study last night. It went really well. Good conversation and opinions were being bandied about. That always makes it really easy to lead it. Acts is such a cool book that is so easily relateable to our everyday lives.

Going to Pirates Cove tonight to hang out. Awesome place to chill out and have a brewski. Jason is going to be pissed that he missed this. Not sure what else is on tap for the weekend. Something always seems to shake out.


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