Friday, July 08, 2005

These are terrible. It's like trying to smoke a chicken bone.

We had the best Bible study we have had in a few months last night. People really seemed to be open to sharing what they thought and felt about what we were studying. Really cool and encouraging as a leader. I don't depend on that, but it's always nice when it happens. I know that God is there every week, but it's these kind of weeks that make it easier for my limited mind to really know He's there. The only thing bringing me down off that high is the fact that Kim "won" our argument and we are taking the later flight for our vacation. She feels guilty though, so I won in the sense. :) Seriously though, after thinking about it, taking the later flight was the best thing to do. And as Jason said, it gets less painful every time you lose an argument with your wife. Pretty soon as the man, you just give up putting up any fight at all. :) I think we are going to go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith tonight. I've heard it's good, but I'll reserve my judgement for later. Although I do have to say that Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors. Fight Club and Seven are two great movies.


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