Thursday, August 11, 2005

I guess I just wasn't ready for the responsibilities of a pretend-marriage.

So here's a mega update from the last weeks activities, trials, tribulations, and the like...

Last Friday we play poker at Jason's house which was awesome because I've been wanting to play for a while. We had 6 guys which was just right. Good time was had by all and I even won some money. Kim was out of town at a "Mom and Me weekend" with her girl group from college. I swear I'm not making that name up, that's actually what they called it. Pretty funny if you ask me. Chicks, what can you do. Can't kill 'em and they can't pee standing up.

Saturday I played PS2 all day. That's it. That's the list. Period.

Sunday we went to church and I heard one of the best and most challenging talks I've heard in a while. It was about evangelism and sharing your faith with other people even when you're not comfortable doing it. What really hit home with me is the urgency I should have to do this and the fact that I am badly lacking it. Lots to think and pray about. After that we went to a BBQ at one of Kim's friends house up in Lebanon. Good Lord that's a haul and a half from our place. Good times though. Food was excellent, and it's always good for me to get to know the people she cares about better.

Monday we got slaughtered again at sand volleyball. Second week in a row. Wiener Boy Ian has yet to live up to the lofty expectations of it's fans. No matter though, the whole team is really cool people, so we always have a good time. We stayed after the game to practice as punishment. :)

Tuesday I went to the Coldplay concert at Riverbend with my brother, Rick, and Jason. We had a really good time and it was a great show. Rick had to sit by a really big girl who shared his seat with him, but other than that no shenanigans whatsoever. We classed up the night by going to McDonald's for dinner. Let me just warn you now, NEVER, EVER, under any circumstance get the Powerade from there. It was awful. And when I say awful, I mean my own pee would have been more fulfilling to drink. So ends the public service portion of this entry.

Last night Kim and I had our friends David and Emily over for dinner. Emily is due for their first kid in about 2 weeks, so she looks ready to pop. I always enjoy my conversations with David because he has been a friend of mine for quite some time. We've done a bunch of ministry stuff together, so it always good to catch up with him.

Bible study hang out night tonight. It has been an interesting few weeks of study. During the summer, the attendance seems to trail off a bit and I'm trying not to let that bother but it does. The way I look at it is if you're committed to the group, then you're committed to the group the whole year and not just the 9 months that aren't Summer. I guess I just want everybody in the group to care about it as much as I do. But in leading it, I guess that is an unfair expectation for me to have of the people who come to it. It doesn't make me want to stop doing it though because I know the 6-8 people who come every week are really committed to it and care about it a lot. I know people can't make it every week and some have reasons to miss for the summer, but 10 people who can't come on a regular basis c'mon. Enough whining about that, just gotta give it over to God and let it go....


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