Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm not crazy. I may look weird, but I'm just like you... I'm just a regular guy.

I was about to get on here and complain about all of the little crap that has been pissing me off this week when I had what alcoholics like to call "a moment of clarity". I was watching all of the cable news shows shows last night about what's going on in new orleans, mississippi, and alabama and realized that my life is really good. To see the massive devastation down there puts everything in perspective for me. It makes the fact that I couldn't get my wireless internet to work last night seem pretty insignificant. I almost felt guilty last night for having a couch to sit on with a roof over my head while watching all these people that were at absolute rock bottom begging for someone to bring them food and water. And it's even worse that their lives may never return to normal and they will at least be living uncomfortably for the next six months or so. I've felt convicted to give some of what I have to the Red Cross relief effort down there and encourage all of you to do the same. Imagine it was you with no home, food, water, electricity, ect. I'm not going to guilt trip you, but spend some time thinking and praying about it and it will be easy to give up a night out to donate some money to those that are desperately in need of it.

On a lighter note, my parents were in town this past Sunday for the Taste of Blue Ash. It was good to see them and hang out. I'll be heading to Ann Arbor with my dad on Saturday for the first Michigan football game of the year against Northern Illinois. Look for me on TV, I'll be one of the 107,501 people there. I'm also going to get to see my grandparents that live up there. I haven't seen them since Kim and I's wedding, so it will be good to see them. Should be fun...


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