Thursday, November 17, 2005

kramer's at a fantasy camp? his whole life is a fantasy camp.

so kim and i are officially on the lost bandwagon. we borrowed the first season on dvd from kim and jason. so far, we have watched 4 of the 6 dvd's since last saturday night. we'll probably end up staying in tomorrow night to finish it up. quality show. kim loves it.

we ran the rib run last sunday morning in 28:55 for a 5k. pretty good consindering it felt like it was uphill more than half the time. after that we went up to my parents house for my birthday lunch. all my siblings were there, so it was really fun. we don't all get together too often. my sister is pregnant again, so prayers for that. they lost their first try, so they're cautiously happy right now.

oh, i shaved my head on tuesday. not bald, but buzzed. i like it so much better because there's no maintenance in the morning. it's amazing how much less time it takes to get ready for the day when you have no hair.

big osu vs. michigan tilt this saturday at 1:00pm on abc. be somewhere to watch it. i'm thinking about joining my dad and going to the game. it makes for a long day driving up to and back from ann arbor the same day, but it's always such a cool sporting event to go to. i'd say i've been to about 5 of them in mu life and it's always awesome. GO BLUE!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

jerk store would have smoked that guy

happy birthday to me. come to the dubliner tonight so you can buy me a beer...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


don't forget to vote today you knuckle heads....

Monday, November 07, 2005

let me see if i can get a look from these femininas...

so i got my first birthday present from kim last night. she bought me this sweet pipe bag from the tinder box. this means i can stop using my converted shaving kit to pipe bag bag. i hated that thing, but it was all i had. i'm moving up in the pipe world.

pretty low key weekend. kim and i went to "game night" at andy and tara's apartment on friday night. we played catchphrase and it actually didn't suck. if you know me at all, you know how much i hate board games, so that's pretty high praise from me.

went over to jason's on saturday afternoon and kicked his ass up and down the street at medal of honor. mind you i have never played that game and he owns it. i was pretty proud of myself in a sixteen year old kind of way.

kim and i are going to run the montgomery inn rib run this next sunday morning. you all should join us. good cause and i get to see if i can run my boss and his daughter into the ground. should be a pretty good time. then we're going up to my parents for my birthday dinner.

Friday, November 04, 2005

...that is one magic loogie...

going to the dubliner today. i love that place and i am now in possession of a $30.00 gift certificate to there. my sister in law and her husband got it for me for my birthday. what good people they are. gonna try not to spend the whole thing today. ;)

we had a really good bible study last night covering james 1. we talked a lot about wisdom, knowledge, trials and temptation. as the readers of this little ditty know, i've been going through a rough spot with leading the study. last night was confirmation that this study is still on target and that God is still good. not that God needed to prove that He is still good, but it's always nice to be reminded in my feeble little mind...