Tuesday, January 27, 2009

i survived the blizzard of '09

i'll be printing up some t-shirts with that on them to sell to all of us that make it through these two days of climatic armageddon. weathermen everywhere are down on their knees praying that this keeps up and they continue to get twenty minutes of the half hour local news shows to freak this city out. i have heard confirmed reports that some krogers in the area have actually sold out of milk. really? it's just snow. granted it's more than a dusting, but it's not so unmanageable as to not be able to continue your life.

take me for instance, i got up today and went through the normal morning routine save for brushing the snow off the car. i drove to work on the somewhat snow covered streets with little to no drama at all. i enjoyed the drive so much that upon arriving at work and realizing that i forgot my key to the building and drove back home to get it and then back to work again. AND I LIVED!

at this very moment my coworkers are downstairs clamoring about the impending doom that the drive home is going to be tonight because all the liars that do tv weather are starting up again. it's very, very annoying to all of us that can cope and not melt down at the first sign adversity or something out of the ordinary. get a grip people, we're gonna make it. i promise....

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ok, what the heck was that

i'm trying really hard to post stuff on here a little more often. that said, i'm also trying to not turn this into a blog full of rants and complaining. i just can't help myself with this particular mindset i've been in of late. i just heard the new U2 single, put on your boots, that was released the other day. those of you that know me well know that i think U2 is a pretty good band and i'd probably trade most of my worldly possessions to be able to just follow them around while they are and aren't on tour. not in a creepy stalker type way, but a cool hey bono and edge lets see if we can strike a friendship/be drinking buddies by me always being around you kind of way. anyways, this single was underwhelming to say the least. not on par with anything this band has put out in the last 6 years. my hope is that they're putting out the really crappy stuff first and saving the good songs for later. and this was the best song title/subject matter they could come up with? really? i mean don't get me wrong, i'd buy their album if it was nothing but polka music and power ballads, but c'mon lads you raised the bar too high to falter now. bring the good stuff...

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

here goes nothing....

happy new year! well, happy new year two weeks ago. it's the new year somewhere right now right? it's snowing outside right now which means it's time for my yearly psa/whining session/rant. the "weathermen" have been all hyping this storm up for a day now and there's almost enough snow on the ground to cover the thickness of a piece of paper. i'm sure kroger is sold out of bread, milk and water and people are heading to their bunkers to wait out the blizzard. at this very moment people are driving their cars into each other and traffic is gridlocked on the highways. panic is abounding. weatherman means liar in every other language besides english. watching these dolts on tv blathering on about the impending doom gets me all hot and bothered, but i feel better having gotten this off my chest and making all three of you read it. you'll never have those two minutes back. you're welcome....

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