first off, nice suit bob. what the heck is that? this man makes millions of dollars a year coaching division one basketball, and this is the best he could come up with? wow, just wow.
secondly, uc put an absolute beat down on west virginia last night and when i say beat down, i mean annihilation. that might be the most satisfying uc basketball win in a long time for me. don't get me wrong, i appreciate all that huggins did for uc basketball while he was here and all, but he ain't here now. it was nice watching him just have to sit there and see his team take an ass whoopin' for forty minutes.
also, kim, kim, jason, and i went to see the u23d movie last friday and it was spectacular. i don't think i'm going to be able to watch "normal" 2d movies anymore. why aren't they making all movies in 3d? my only complaint about the movie was that it was so short at only an hour and thirty minutes. i could have sat there and watched five hours of u2 concert footage in 3d. it was really interesting to see the band that close up during a concert. i've been to too many u2 concerts to count, but it was a totally different perspective to see it that close. i highly recommend going to see this, even if you are only a fringe u2 fan. you won't be disappointed.
as of tomorrow, kim and i will be parents in about six weeks. we've been washing baby clothes like crazy to get ready. kim has had two baby showers thus far, so there has been plenty to wash and even more things that need to be put together. it's all a blessing though, not having to buy everything that were going to need. things are really coming together as march 14th approaches.
see you all on down the trail...